Siberian Husky


The Siberian Husky is the fastest and most widespread purebred sled dog. The breed originates in Siberia, where the dogs have been bred for centuries by the Chukchi living there to pull goods. At the beginning of 2000 century the first siberian huskies were introduced to Alaska. In the beginning he was smiled at because of his rather dainty appearance compared to the Alaskan Malamute. This changed, however, when the newcomer was able to come up with incredibly fast times and left the teams of the heavier breeds far behind. For sled dog races, in the gold digger camps, they became more and more important.

The Siberian Husky became world famous in 1925 when diphtheria broke out in Nome (Alaska). Leonhard Seppala managed the unbelievable. He and his Husky team brought the vital serum to the endangered city. Today the Iditarod race commemorates this great achievement.

In the USA the standard for the Siberian Husky was set in 1930. The sport with Siberian Huskies spread across New England and the rest of the USA. At the beginning of the fifties the first dogs of this breed were used in sled dog races in Europe, where they are the most important dog breed in sled dog sport today.

The selection by the indigenous peoples of Siberia still shapes the character of this dog today. They have endurance, a strong urge to move (especially in cold temperatures), a strong will to work and are fast and nimble. They love to do pulling work. Only through the participation in sled dog sport all characteristics of the Siberian Husky can be preserved and promoted.

Due to his independence, his love of freedom and curiosity ("outgoing") as well as his especially strong hunting instinct (which he knows to use with extraordinary success) he is not easy to educate. When walking through woods and meadows you should therefore never let him off the leash and the fence around the garden or the kennel should always be designed to be escape-proof. The education must be done from the beginning seriously and consistently with a lot of patience and empathy. It is important that a dog can only learn what it is capable of. The Siberian Husky will never subordinate himself unconditionally.

His enormous urge to move and hunger to run can only be satisfied in sport, be it leisure or high performance sport. Like all sled dogs, the Siberian Husky is from its origin a working dog and as such it should be preserved and used. Only the responsible use in sports offers the hungry huskies a species-appropriate home.